


Vocabulary     06.00 – 07.00 06.00 – 07.00
Full materi listening  07.00 – 08.30 08.30 – 10.00
Full materi Structure 10.00 – 11.30 12.30 – 14.00
Full materi Reading  14.00 – 15.30 05.30 – 17.00
Evaluation class* 19.30 – 21.00 19.30 – 21.00


Vocabulary (20 hours in a month)
a. Student is expected to be able to memorize a number of TOEFL-related topic vocabularies
b. Student is expected to be able to pronoun the word as student implement those words in sentences correctly
c. Student is expected to be able to distinguish final sound of words and similar sound of different vocabularies

Topic : Common TOEFL Vocabulary (e.g. technology, science)

Listening (30 hours in a month)
a. Student is expected to fully understand conversations and talks in English that is similar to what student might hear at colleges and universities in formal and informal situations
b. Student is expected to be able to answer all questions relating to conversations and talks in English
c. Student is expected to be able to manage time on answering listening questions

Topic : Meaning Questions, Inference Questions, Suggestion Questions, Future Action Questions, Topic Questions, Opinion Questions, Assumption Questions, Questions about Questions, Questions about Time, Reason Questions, Problem Questions, Activity Questions, Anticipating Questions about Dialogs, Dialogs with Sound Confusion, Dialog with Homonyms and Words with Multiple Meanings, Dialogs with Idiomatic Expressions, Dialogs Involving Agreement and Disagreement, Dialogs Involving Suggestions, Invitations, Offers and Requests, Dialogs Involving Contradictions, Assumptions and Questions, Dialogs Involving Activities, Plans, Topics and Problem, Dialogs with Special Verbs and Anticipating Questions about The Extended Conversations and Mini Talks

Structure (30 hours in a month)
a. Student is expected to be able to recognize grammatical structures and word usage of standard written English as used in academic fields
b. Student is expected to be able to answers TOEFL questions grammatically correct relating to TOEFL topics
c. Student is expected to be able to manage time on answering structure questions

Topic : Independent Clauses, Adjective Clauses, Participial Phrases, Appositives, Adverb Clauses, Noun Clauses, Prepositional Phrases, Word Order, Inversion, Items Involving Verb Problem, Infinitive and Gerund Phrases, Parallel Structures, Items Involving Misplaced Modifiers, Items Involving Comparisons, Items Involving Conjunctions, Negative Words, Word Choices and Forms, Items Involving Pronouns, Items Involving Singular and Plural Nouns, Prepositions, Articles, Comparatives and Superlatives,

Reading (30 hours in a month)
a. Student is expected to be able to read and understand short passages that are similar in topic and style to those that student is likely to encounter in colleges and universities and to distinguish types of questions
b. Student is expected to be able to use scanning and skewing methods on questions
c. Student is expected to be able to fin
d. Student is expected to be able to manage time on answering reading questions

Topic : Overview Questions, Factual Questions, Negative Questions, Scanning Questions, Inference Questions, Purpose Questions, Vocabulary-in-Context Questions and Reference Questions.




Scoring/simulasi  06.30 – 08.30 06.30 – 08.30
Pembahasan Listening 10.00 – 12.30 10.00 – 12.30
Pembahasan Structure 12.30 – 14.00 12.30 – 14.00
Pembahasan Reading 15.30 – 17.00 15.30 – 17.00
Evaluation class* 19.30 – 21.00 19.30 – 21.00


Scoring (20 hours in a month)
a. Measuring the ability to understand short and long conversations and talks in English, including vocabulary and idiomatic expressions common to English as spoken in North America as well as special grammatical constructions used in speech
b. Measuring the ability to recognize grammatical structures and word usage of standard written English as used in colleges and universities in North America
c. Measuring the ability to read and understand short passages that are similar in topic and style to those that student is likely to encounter in North America colleges and universities

Listening Comprehension (30 hours in a month)
Replaying all tasks students listened to, discussing and answering questions with tutors as understanding formal and informal conversations and talks which consist of such things as idiomatic expressions and phrases.

Structure and Written Expression (30 hours in a month)
Students are given 30 minutes to do discussion related to structure and written expression questions followed by grammatically reliable answers and explanations.

Reading Comprehension (30 hours in a month)
Disccussing passages in group per passage in 20 minutes as thoroughly answering and giving reliable explanations relating to questions asked.

Jangan khawatir, program ini di mentoring oleh tutor-tutor yang SEMUANYA BERSERTIFIKAT TOEFL dengan score rata- rata 600. Bahkan, 50% dari TUTOR TOEFL kami merupakan PENERIMA BEASISWA LUAR NEGERI. setelah program ini selesai, siswa akan di berikan mentoring GRATIS selama persiapan menghadapai Actual Test. Program ini di tutup dengan fasilitas GRATIS BIMBINGAN BEASISWA setelah actual test.

Titik Nol English Course bertempat di jantung Kampung Inggris sehingga sangat strategis. Dekat dengan semua gerai ATM, dekat dengan Supermarket, dekat dengan rumah makan, dekat dengan penyewaan sepeda/motor/mobil, dekat dengan agen travel, dan masih banyak lagi.

Tunggu apa lagi? segeralah menjadi bagian dari keluarga besar kami di Titik Nol English Course.

1. GRATIS placement test
2. GRATIS simulasi TOEFL
3. GRATIS simulasi IELTS
4. GRATIS educational counselor
5. GRATIS bimbingan campus admission
6. GRATIS partisipasi volunteering (Titik Nol Mengabdi)
7. GRATIS Mentoring TOEFL sebelum actual test
8. GRATIS Mentoring IELTS sebelum actual test
11. GRATIS WI-FI di SEMUA Ruang Kelas
13. Perpustakaan terbuka
14. Musholla
15. Social Event
16. Modul


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