Program Basic Titik Nol
10 |
25 |
Habituation |
06.00 – 07.00 |
06.00 – 07.00 |
Grammar I |
08.30 – 10.00 |
08.30 – 10.00 |
Vocabulary |
10.00 – 11.30 |
10.00 – 11.30 |
Reading I |
14.00 – 15.30 |
14.00 – 15.30 |
Speaking I |
15.30 – 17.00 |
15.30 – 17.00 |
Habituation (30 hours in a month)
a. Memorizing and practicing basic conversation
b. Pronouncing each word in the conversation correctly
c. Mentioning words which can be linked up in the conversation and mentioning final sounds (s/es – d/ed sound) in the conversation
d. Showing fluency and expression in the conversation
e. Showing intonation, body language, and stressing in the conversation
Vocabularies (30 hours in a month)
a. 480 vocabularies in one month program, 240 vocabularies in two weeks program
b. Pronouncing the words correctly (sounds)
c. Recognizing and typing the words mentioned in the recording
Reading 1 (30 hours in a month)
a. Understanding papers with 5W + 1 H, 16 passages in one month program, 8 passages in two weeks program in different topics
b. 20 additional vocabularies in each meeting
c. Identify facts in the passage
d. Summarizing the key information of the passage
Grammar 1 (30 hours in a month)
a. Parts of Speech
b. Phrases
c. 5 tenses
d. Simple sentence
e. Identify all materials containing in passages
f. Error analysis related to the materials
Speaking 1 (30 hours in a month)
a. Asking, responding, and recording information from the conversation (100 expressions for two weeks meeting)
b. Brainstorming the ideas from papers related to the topics and speaking based on summarized ideas
c. Willing to build confidence in speaking English
d. Describing something with a wide range of adjectives
Basic conversation topics:
Myself, family, hobby, school
Integrated topics:
a.Week 1
- Personal Identity
- Family and Friends
- School/Education
- Role Model
b. Week 2
- Personality (Characteristic)
- Interest (Hobby/Job)
- Tourism Place
- Transportation
c. Week 3
- Traditional Food
- Culture
- City and Village
- Natural Disaster
d. Week 4
- Public Place
- Pollution
- Exercise
- Lifestyle
Jangan khawatir, program ini di mentoring oleh tutor-tutor yang SEMUANYA BERSERTIFIKAT TOEFL dan IELTS. Bahkan, 50% dari TUTOR IELTS kami merupakan PENERIMA BEASISWA LUAR NEGERI.
Titik Nol English Course bertempat di jantung Kampung Inggris sehingga sangat strategis. Dekat dengan semua gerai ATM, dekat dengan Supermarket, dekat dengan rumah makan, dekat dengan penyewaan sepeda/motor/mobil, dekat dengan agen travel, dan masih banyak lagi.
Tunggu apa lagi? segeralah menjadi bagian dari keluarga besar kami di Titik Nol English Course.
1. GRATIS placement test
2. GRATIS simulasi TOEFL
3. GRATIS simulasi IELTS
4. GRATIS educational counselor
5. GRATIS bimbingan campus admission
6. GRATIS partisipasi volunteering (Titik Nol Mengabdi)
7. GRATIS Mentoring TOEFL sebelum actual test
8. GRATIS Mentoring IELTS sebelum actual test
11. GRATIS WI-FI di SEMUA Ruang Kelas
13. Perpustakaan terbuka
14. Musholla
15. Social Event
16. Modul